Friday, December 02, 2005

Snow Delay

What is it about snow days that makes all of us, no matter what age, feel like a 7-year-old? In a town like Wenatchee, surrounded by mountains, even a two-hour delay because of snow is a rarity. Since I started teaching here seven years ago, school has not been closed due to snow once.

When the news came last night that school would be delayed two hours I actually "whooped" while in my car. Thank goodness I was by myself.

A two-hour delay has no effect on teachers; we still have to be here at the same time. Only students get the extra two hours of sleep. However, every teacher I've seen this morning has been grinning from ear to ear. This brings me back to my original question: What is it do we find so exciting about snow days?

I think it is the unexpected time we suddenly discover. I am positively giddy right now about the idea that I have two free hours to work on anything I need. I can grade papers. I can read ahead in a novel for my class. I can organize my desk. I can clean out my cupboard. I can chat with other teachers. I can write a cheer newsletter. I can even crank up my stereo and dance crazily around my classroom. It is completely up to me.

An unexpected present of time.

The days of most 7-year-olds contain these large chunks of time where they are free to play. These two hours are my play time, and I plan to make the most of them. What am I going to do? I still haven't figured it out yet, but when I do, you better believe that I am going to enjoy it.


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