Friday, June 03, 2005

It Never Stops

I finally just glanced at my calendar this week and realized that I seem to have scheduled myself out of a life for the next few weeks. Between showing films after school for students, my second job waiting tables (yeah, like a teacher's salary is adequate), and the normal grading which accompanies being an English teacher, I don't believe I'll even have the time to get a good night's sleep. Every day on my calendar this week has something extra on it scribbled for me to do.

I'm beginning to wonder if life is really becoming too scheduled and planned. Every moment of every day is filled with required activities and obligations. Where is the time to be spontaneous? Where is the time to do something just for me? I realize that sounds selfish, but I'm feeling a bit cranky with all of these intrusions on my personal time.

The best vacation I ever took was one on which my husband and I were able to be completely spontaneous. Hit the beach? Sure! Drive to San Diego for a night? Let's hop in the car! I really miss that capability to decide to do something at the last minute and not have a meeting interfere with a great idea.

My life is no longer my own, and I want it back.


At 7:57 PM, Blogger Dr Pezz said...

I'll pencil you in for some spontaneity sometime next week.


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